Sunday, October 20, 2013

Display Fun Things

I was on vacation and found this cool blow-up moose. I thought it would look awesome on my big blank wall by my series section.  The kids think he is so funny, he's quite the conversation starter. I plan on putting different things around his neck according to the season. We call him Mortie.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gotta Make It Personal

One of the things that I have noticed, is that kids love to see people they know on posters, walls and well just stuff.  My school has a pretty awesome poster maker.  Trust me, I am the last person that I want to see blown up, but since it is my library, I had to take it on.  I took my picture and photoshopped a book onto it. I emailed the picture to the computer that we use to upload pictures for the poster maker.  I ran off about a 20 by 18 image of the image and laminated it for protection.  I cut it out and I use it on a stand with recommended books for the kids to read.  If your ok with putting yourself out there, then do it.  The kids love it.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


I wanted to do an incentive this year for the kids who were bringing their library books back each week.  I found these cool looking library cards, and copied them onto different colors. A different color for each grade level.  I made one for each class. Each teacher has agreed to put their students names on each one for me.  I'll keep the cards in the library for them.  Sooooooo, what do I do with them?  Ill hand the kids their cards before they find their books. When they find the books they want, they will write the names of the books on the lines.  I'll collect them at check out ( the cards).  The next class time, as they check their books into me, I'll have the teacher hole punch beside the books that are brought back to me.  If they get seven out of the nine punches, I will reward them. Wow it's sounds pretty complicated after writing this, but, I am going to give this a try.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Book Bubbles

I saw this idea on Pinterest, and well...... LOVED IT. I made lots of copies, laminated them and stuck them randomly on my shelves.... The kids love them.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Love Eric Carle

I absolutely love Eric Carle. After cruising Pinterest, I found some easy Carle decor. All you need, are the Chinese round lanterns in the Very Hungry Caterpillar colors and hang away.  What I did, is use fishing line to hang the balls, and foam for his eyes and antennas. I will give you a hint, if you don't want a creepy caterpillar whose head constantly turns in a circle, then attach the fishing wire on both sides of  the top of the ball. And BAM, a cool ceiling decoration.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Unused Globes

Many of my school globes are either not up to date, or never used. So what's a Librarian to do? That's right, create! I bought chalkboard spray and BAM, a write on globe. I bought paper and Mod Podge, and BAM,  a cool Dr. Seuss globe.. Very cool and interesting.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Donors Choose (I just gotta share)

I can't keep this a secret anymore.... is the place to go and "state your request." I have gotten two projects funded 100%, and I mean BIG stuff. What you do, is go on and sign up for FREE. Of course, you have to work at a school, pre-school or church. You have to explain on their site what kind of school your associated (urban, low income ect) and why this item would benefit your students. It's very self explanatory. Donors Choose has the catalogs to choose what kind of items that you're requesting.  My first funded project, were two wire children bookshelves, and my most recent, a book spine label maker. They work on a point system, so they can dictate how much you can ask to be funded. Please, please check this out. I promise, it will be worth your while....... (FYI, my funded projects have totaled around $1000)

Zulily Rocks

In honor of National Book Lover's Day, all of us here are happy to help send imaginations of all ages soaring! Featuring a bevy of boisterous books, this collection encourages the love of all that is literary. Offering everything from anthologies to righteous book recommendations and fanciful fairy tales, this assortment ensures that shelves are well-stocked with these charming treasures!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Little Free Library

Oh, found the coolest site today, . It's all about starting a little, and I mean little library. I can't do it justice, so Ill just let their intro tell you about this awesome project.

                         How Does This Library Work?
This Little Free Library offers a way to share good things to read—favorite books from your childhood or books you would recommend to friends; books that teach, intrigue and engage you.  All of us can help by keeping this collection stocked with good reading material.  
Whose library is this?  It belongs to everybody -- neighbors, friends, and people we don’t even know yet.  Anyone can use it.  That’s why we want to take care of it.  
Take a book. If you see something you would like to read, take it.  Look inside and see who gave it; who else has read it.                         
Share it. Return it to any Little Library or pass it on to a friend.                                                
Give books. Leave notes in them.  Be a friend of all libraries by helping any way you can. Pay it Forward!
We support reading for children, literacy for adults, and libraries around the world.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Rules, Rules and Rules

Ok, so I wanted to do something different for posting my library rules.  I am a huge fan of (if you haven't gone to this site... Don't, very addicting) and found wall words. What are wall words you ask?  Well, they are pre-cut ready to put up customized words. I found a woman on Etsy ( just type in wall words in the search box, and tons pop up) and gave her my words. When the words came, they come on a sheet of gloss paper, sticky side down. I decided, that I wanted to put the words directly on poster board, not the wall.  When I was ready to stick the words on the poster board, the words came off as an entire piece, but you can cut the words out to place them if you want to be precise. The end result, is a cool but different way to post rules.... Try it!!! Price runs around $25 depending on how many words you order. And you can order different fonts and colors.

Use Those Discarded Books!!

Don't know what to do with old discarded books? Why not make a book clock? I found 12 books, taped them shut and put numbers on each. I found the clock arms at Hobby Lobby for about $25 dollars, and hung each book with AWESOME Command Strips. And BAMMMMM a working clock. Trust me, EVERYONE loves it, especially when they know it actually works...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Spruce up your Space

Its time to get creative for your little darlings that will be gracing the doors of your library this fall. Try something fun and exciting for their eyes to see.. I have an ugly pole right in the middle of my entry way, WHAT TO DO???? Hmmm, the only thing to do.... Make a tree. I wrapped the pole with brown packing paper, and hung cray paper and plastic strips made from a tablecloth and hung away... The outcome, a pretty cool visual tree...